Pay your work zone speed camera infraction

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Pay or acknowledge a work zone speed camera infraction, or request a hearing to contest the infraction, request a reduced penalty or arrange a payment plan online, by phone or by mail

If a vehicle is photographed by a work zone speed camera traveling above the posted speed limit, a ticket called a Notice of Infraction will be mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle within 30 days of the violation. You are required to respond, either online, by phone or by mail, to all Notices of Infraction. You may choose to respond by paying the penalty, acknowledging a $0 infraction or requesting a hearing.

If you do not respond within 30 days of receiving your Notice of Infraction, it will be considered committed. If this is your first infraction, a committed finding means that your penalty will be $0, but all future infractions will result in a $248 penalty.

Pay or acknowledge your infraction

By mail:

Follow the directions in the Notice of Infraction and mail the return form and/or payment to:
Washington State Work Zone Speed Camera Program  
PO Box 2316  
900 Jefferson St SE  
Olympia, WA 98501 

By acknowledging responsibility for a $0 infraction, you are agreeing that you committed the infraction and that all future infractions will have a $248 penalty. By paying for a $248 infraction, you are agreeing that you committed the infraction and that you are responsible for paying the penalty.

Request a hearing to contest the infraction, request a reduced penalty or arrange a payment plan

By mail:

Follow the directions in the Notice of Infraction and mail the return form and/or payment to:
Washington State Work Zone Speed Camera Program  
PO Box 2316  
900 Jefferson St SE  
Olympia, WA 98501 

If you disagree with your infraction or have trouble paying the penalty, you can request a hearing. You can choose to contest the infraction, submit a statement if you were not driving the vehicle when the infraction was committed, request that the penalty be lowered due to mitigating circumstances, or request a payment plan.

You can request a payment plan while requesting a hearing to contest or a hearing to reduce the amount owed. You can also request a separate hearing to arrange a payment plan at any time while you still owe money for your infraction.

The state’s Office of Administrative Hearings determines if an infraction will be dismissed, reduced and/or how it will be paid.

Infraction amount

The penalty for a Work Zone Speed Camera Program infraction is $0 for the first infraction, and $248 for the second infraction and each infraction after. The infraction is considered a nonmoving violation similar to a parking ticket. It will not be reported on your driving record or to your insurance company.

The registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for payment of the penalty. This is similar to other infraction rules already used in the state.

Non-payment/late payment

If a penalty is not paid within 30 days of the initial due date, a hold may be placed on the vehicle registration through the Department of Licensing.